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Who do I contact in the school if I have a safeguarding concern?

Ring the School on 0161 770 7640

The Designated Safeguarding Lead in school is Miss T A Wood (Headteacher)


There are three Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leaders:

Mrs S Charlton (Deputy Headteacher)

Miss V Holt (Early Years Lead)

Mrs Glynn (Pastoral Lead)


Safeguarding is everyone's concern and anyone can make a referral if they are concerned about the health and safety of a child.

The local Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) can be contacted on 0161 770 7777

or you can make an online referral at

If you think a child is at risk of immediate harm the phone the police on 999.


Here at Royton Hall, we take your child's safety very seriously.  Part of our duty of care is to support every child in our school, equipping them with the skills they need to stay safe whilst online.  The children are regularly taught about how to stay safe online and what to do should they see anything that makes them feel uncomfortable.


We follow the guidance 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' which has recently been updated by the government and applies to all schools from September 2021


Part 1 of this guidance must be read by all those who work directly with children.

A copy of part 1 is in our safeguarding section on this website.

Working Together to Stay Safe


Here at Royton Hall Primary we recognise that EVERYBODY has a responsibility to safeguard children from significant harm. We regularly train and update our staff on safeguarding procedure and policy.

There are two key documents that inform all safeguarding practice:

1. Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015
2. Children Act 2004

These documents make clear that, “Everybody who works or has contact with children, parents and other adults in contact with children should be able to recognise and know how to act upon evidence that a child’s health or development is or may be being impaired – especially when they are suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm.’

We work with a range of agencies to include the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB), the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), the National Health Service, the Social Services and the Police.

Bullying & Cyber Bullying

Child Protection Categories: 

Child Abduction

Children and the Court System

Children Missing from Education

Children with family members in prison

Child Criminal Exploitation and Child Sexual Exploitation

County Lines

Modern slavery


Domestic Abuse

Emotional abuse


So-called 'honour based' abuse

Female Genital Mutilation

Forced Marriage


Physical abuse

Preventing Radicalisation

The Prevent Duty


Peer on Peer / child on child abuse

Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment between children
