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Royton Hall has a modern purpose-built nursery class in our lovely school. It is staffed by highly qualified, dedicated staff. Our Early Years  provision has been highly praised by Ofsted and parents have given us excellent reviews.   

We currently have 26 nursery places, both full time or morning/afternoon only. Children can start Nursery in the term following their 3rd birthday.  Full time is 8.45 am to 3.15 pm. If you would like your child to join our nursery then please complete the form below and return it to the school office. You can also call the school office direct on 0161 770 7640 for further information if required.

Currently, 15 hours are provided free of charge for all parents and 30 hours free of charge for eligible working parents. See link below for full details.

We have a limited number of places available, please enquire at the office. 


Nursery Admissions

We can offer both full and part time places in our Nursery, either 5 mornings/5 afternoons weekly (15 hours) or a full day if you are eligible (30 hours) term time only.  

  • See for childcare eligibility criteria.

Children can start Nursery in the term following their 3rd birthday.  If you would like your child to join our Nursery then please complete the form below and return it to the school office.  You can ring the school on 0161 770 7640 for further information if required.  

Reception Admissions

We have 45 Reception places and Reception children start school in the September following their 4th birthday. We are an Oldham Local Authority Community School and therefore applications for Reception places are made via the council website. See link below, which contains the online application form and further information regarding the admissions policy.