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Royton Hall Maths Curriculum

The ultimate aim of our mathematics curriculum is to foster a love for solving problems by promoting confidence, curiosity, communication and resilience.  It is through these skills we believe that children will readily embrace the mathematical challenges in the wider world where they will be able to develop a passion for finding solutions to complex issues, resulting in enjoyment and success throughout their adult lives.

At Royton Hall, we believe that fluency, reasoning and problem solving lie at the heart of a successful curriculum in order for our children to become confident and resilient mathematicians.

In school we use the White Rose Maths scheme of work as a starting point to ensure all our children from EYFS to Year 6 develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts as they progress through school. 

The underlying principle of our maths curriculum is an approach called CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract).

This ensures children develop a deep understanding of concepts through exploration of equipment, drawing ideas using pictures and diagrams leading to learning abstract methods. This will support the children in making connections to all areas of the maths curriculum in order to develop a flexible approach to develop reasoning and problem solving. Through this approach, children are experiencing and discovering maths rather than simply remembering a set of procedures. To support this, a variety of maths equipment including Numicon is used by all children in all year groups.

By using this approach, we believe all children can gain confidence in their maths, develop a real ‘can do’ attitude and most importantly develop a life-long love of the subject.

Early Bird Maths – The Perfect Start to the School Day!

To promote fluency in the children’s maths skills, we have introduced a daily 20 minute maths session to practise all the things we have learnt in our maths lessons. This lesson takes place in all classes in KS1 and 2 throughout school at the very beginning of the school day!

These sessions are fast, fun and provide lots of opportunities for children to show off their skills and knowledge in all areas of maths including number, measures and shape!

This regular practice ensures the children are confident in their basic skills. This means they will find the challenging aspects of maths such as reasoning and problem solving that little bit easier if they have these range of skills to draw upon.

Always try to make sure your child is in on time every day so they don’t miss out!

Royton Hall Rocks – at Times Tables!

Times tables are really important because they form the foundation for knowledge in so many different aspects of mathematics including multiplication, division, fractions, percentages, word problems, measurement and even algebra. Solid knowledge of tables and instant recall of times table facts supports children in their learning across the key stages and helps them to make better progress.

Children who do not have good recall of times tables often find that other areas of maths are hard to understand, which can result in them falling behind. Times table knowledge is also an essential life skill and will support pupils in everyday problem solving eg. calculating a shopping bill, doubling a recipe or converting a measurement.

Here at Royton Hall, we have a structured approach to the teaching of times tables from using a variety of manipulatives to support understanding, skip counting through to reciting the facts.

Once the children have learnt their times tables, it is crucial they practise them regularly. A little bit of practice every day can go a long way. To support this fluency, all our children from reception through to year 6 have access to Times Tables Rock Stars. Every child from Year 2 above has timetabled time in class daily to access TTRS and develop their fluency.  This fun, exciting website provides a competitive forum for all children to compete against each other or with children from other schools in a safe environment.

As children move into Year 5 and 6 and their times tables knowledge is more secure, children have the opportunity to use Arithmagicians.  This website works in a similar way to TTRS but extends the calculations using known facts, fractions, percentages and decimals.

If you or your child are unsure of their log in, please ask their class teacher.