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Early Years Foundation Stage

Welcome to the

Early Years Foundation Stage!

Meet the Staff

Our Nursery teacher is Miss McKee. 

Our Reception teachers are Miss Holt (EYFS Leader) and Mrs Roberts. 

The children in the EYFS are supported by our teaching assistants, Mrs Collinson and Mrs Heath. 

Things to Remember

Monday - Nursery PE (no PE kit is required)

Tuesday - Reception PE (no PE kit is required)

Wednesday - Reception Forest School (alternate weeks depending upon group)

Thursday - Library books are due in for Nursery and Reception & Reading books and Phonics Records due in for Reception

Friday - New books go home



To help your child at home, it is important for you to support your child with their early reading skills. This involves lots of listening and speaking games to build up their language skills. To encourage this, we send home a weekly 'Chatterbox Challenge' via Tapestry for you to complete with your child. You can then respond back to the class teacher on Tapestry to let us know how they did. We will then celebrate their achievements in class during Friday's 'Learner of the Week' assembly and will award a child with the 'Chatterbox Champion of the Week' reward.

Library book - This book is chosen by your child and is for them to share and enjoy with an adult at home.


To help your child at home, it is important for you to support your child with their reading and phonics throughout the week. Reading books and phonics records are due in every Thursday. Children who have their reading record signed will receive a raffle ticket which will be entered into the draw in Friday's assembly with the chance to win a brand new book!

  • Reading - OTTER book: This book is matched to your child’s reading ability. Listen to your child read this independently and celebrate their successes as they will have worked on decoding, prosody/expression and comprehension skills during OTTER. Please sign that they have read this in their reading record. Library book: This book is chosen by your child and is for them to share with an adult at home. It is a story they enjoy and is not matched to their phonic ability. Please sign that you have shared this book in their reading record.
  • Phonics - Phonics Record: This is a record of the graphemes your child has learnt in phonics that week, with examples of words containing those sounds and tricky words, which are words they cannot fully decode. Recap this with your child, ask them to look for digraphs or hear the sounds in the words, then blend to read the word. They could also segment to spell the words too. Please sign that you have looked at their phonics record in their reading record.